The Hayakawa Mental Health Clinic Acquires a Collection of Prints by Artist M.E. Ster Molnar
The Hayakawa Mental Health Clinic Issha has acquired a new display of prints by London-based American Artist M.E. Ster Molnar.
M.E. (Mary Elizabeth) produces prints by a unique method in which each work of art is one of a kind.
We are proud to have acquired these works by such a prominent artist and encourage everyone who comes to the clinic to learn about M.E. and how she creates such beautiful prints.
We asked her to describe her work and how she creates it. Here is our conversation.
Tell us about the prints that are on display at the clinic. These are all
unique, and each is one of a kind, correct?
M.E. – Yes. These are all original works of art, one-of-a-kind. They are part of my ongoing “Mini Bloom” series. I create them using a process called “Mono Printing,” where I paint directly onto a silkscreen, then transfer the painting to the paper below using a squeegee.
What is the inspiration behind the prints?
M.E.- Actually, I started painting flowers as a kid, and I find that painting flowers brings me back to the mindset that I had at that time. A happy place, full of possibilities for myself in the world. Some florals represent a specific type of bloom; others are more of a hybrid of flowers from my mind. I call them” Fluffy Flowers!” Many of these are reminiscent of the vibe that I loved in the ’70s, inspired by artists like Andy Warhol and Peter Max.
Tell us about how you create them. What is your process?
M.E. – I work out of a group screen print studio in East London and need a large silkscreen printing bed to do this. Using a silkscreen, a squeegee, paint, and archival paper, I create each of them one by one.
I paint directly onto the silkscreen, then pull the squeegee to create each work. I love how there is a level of surprise that happens when I lift the print bed to see what I have made. That’s my favorite part!
You have lived in so many places. Can you tell us a bit about each
place and which one you like most?
M.E. – Yes! My father was in the U.S. Navy when I was a kid, so I moved around a lot. I think I have a bit of that restless spirit as a full-grown adult, too. I’ve lived in Charleston, South Carolina. Guam, Mississippi, California, then Okinawa.
As a kid, we finally settled in Florida. As an adult, I lived in New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and now London.
My fondest memories that have probably shaped my life and artistic work the most are my times living in California. As a young girl, there was something magical about that time. I remember car rides up the Pacific Coast Highway in the back of my parent’s Volkswagen, picnics on rocky beaches, and magical moments painting my first floral art collection in art class. As an adult, I returned to California to be a fashion designer. It was in that place where I met my husband and had my daughter. When people ask me where I am from, I tell them California. It’s where I feel most like myself.
Tell us about your experience in Japan.
When I was around 7, my family moved to Okinawa. I loved the sunshine and lifestyle there – I spent a lot of time on a swim team and got to travel around to places like the Philippines, Taiwan, and Korea for swim meets. I also learned how to snorkel and still can picture the beautiful fish on the coral reefs. There was also a magical island nearby that had star sand, and I still remember collecting sand on that day. I want to go back and visit all of these places!
The prints on display at the clinic come from your mini-bloom series. What are you working on now?
M.E. – I do mini blooms as part of each collection; it seems to be a popular size because it can easily work in most people’s spaces.
I have a couple of collections in the works right now. One is called “SPRING FLING,” and the other is called “BREATHING ROOM.”
Sometimes I get started on a series, and life and world events begin to shape how it’s created. I like to think that the art leads the way. It’s nice to let go and see where my creativity takes me.
How can people buy your work, and do you ship to Japan?
M.E. – People can view my work at www.MEandBlue.com, and I ship worldwide!
The Hayakawa Mental Health Clinic has nine of M.E.’s print on public display. Feel free to drop by and have a look!